Limousine driver shot jfk video

Kennedy, largely obscured by the cars rearview mirror, can be seen with his fist clenched in front of his throat while agents standing on the car behind the limousine look back toward the texas school book depository, the entrance of which is visible just behind the tree. I did manage to find this shot of jfk in mid 1963 and that sure looks like greer on the far right. The only people who could make videotapes were television studios. It is common knowledge in military circles that greer shot kennedy. William greer, the driver of jfks limousine, and roy kellerman, the secret service agent who was in the front passenger seat, controlled everything that happened at parkland hospital in dallas while the presidents body was there. Kennedy was riding with his wife jacqueline, texas governor john connally, and connallys wife nellie when he was fatally shot by former u. Our jfk limousine service will take you anywhere in style for just the same price as a taxi. The kennedy limousine is one of the most famous vehicles in history, but many people dont know what happened to it in the years that followed the assassination of its highprofile passenger. Did kennedys limousine driver turn and fire the fatal shot. Connellys nephew confirmed that jfk was shot by secret. Kennedy was riding in an opentopped lincoln limousine though dealey plaza in dallas, texas when he was struck and killed by two bullets. Jul, 2010 ok, now do you believe the limo driver shot jfk.

Warning thread driver shot jfk might contain content that is not suitable for all ages. The driver shot kennedy square in the right forehead with the bullet logically exiting the right rear. Zapruder film shows jfks driver firing fatal head shot. Secret service code name for the presidential limousine originally used by the 35th president of the united states, john f. Jul 17, 2008 the secret service killed jfk, william wild bill cooper, the ufo conspiracist, tax resister, and selfstyled militiaman based his 1991 claimed that jfk was assassinated by limousine driver william greer, on a special washed out version of the zapruder film an allegation easily refuted by simply looking at the original zfilm. Jfk assassination film hoax the fastforward mistakes. Metacafe online video entertainment metacafe online video entertainment home latest popular trending. Notice the right rear missing in the autopsy pic and compare that to frame 3. Some of the agents on the following car got offfrom a distance of 12to 15 feetwe saw the bullet hit the president from the right rear and literally tear away. President kennedy limousine research the henry ford. John fitzgerald kennedy, the 35th president of the united states, was assassinated on november 22, 1963, at 12. What was thought to be a pistol was actually the top of a passengers head. Jul 04, 2015 the driver shot kennedy square in the right forehead with the bullet logically exiting the right rear. I was pondering the performance of william greer the limo driver during the dealey plaza attack and wondered whether or not he was the regular driver or was this duty rotated amongst other secret service agents.

If the gunman was a professional, it would have been ridiculously easy. The motorcade route through dallas with kennedy, connally, and their wives together in a single limousine, and johnson and his wife two cars behind was intended to give kennedy maximum exposure to local crowds before his arrival for a luncheon at the trade. Mar 08, 2007 if you start watching at frame 225, you will see jfk grab for his neck. Zapruder faq the sixth floor museum at dealey plaza. Powell native robert earl bob croft, who now lives in lovell, snapped this photo moments before the assassination of president john f. Kennedy faced gunfire from three gunmen who shot four bullets at his passing motorcade according to dramatic new findings that indicate lee harvey oswald could not have acted alone sparking a fresh manhunt for a second and third shooter. Has the zapruder film been altered to hide evidence of a conspiracy. While jfks limo made its nightmareinspiring turn onto elm street, a home video shot by bystander robert hughes captures the texas school book depository in the background. Part of the 8 hours of video was the unaltered video of the jfk assasination. Maybe john kennedys driver william greer shot him with an.

If greer had shot jfk, someone in the crowd some less than than 10 feet away would have said something, ss agents and others in the know would have whispered about this for years, rumors would have floated around washington and nellie connally, whom i knew personally, would have talked. As the limo is moving, all eyes are on president kennedy. Connellys nephew confirmed that jfk was shot by secret service agent driving the limo jan. Kennedys limo slowed after the assassination shooting began. The presidents limousine travels down elm street immediately after the first shot was fired.

The most prominent change was a permanent top fitted with bullet resistant windows around the. Shortly after, john connelly reacts to being shot and falls back toward his wife. Eyewitness captures polaroid of moment jfk was shot youtube. William robert greer september 22, 1909 february 23, 1985 was an agent of the u. One of the worlds largest video sites, serving the best videos, funniest movies and clips. Greer, the driver of jfks limo, had fired the fatal head shot which caused the right rear of jfks head to blow out an enormous amount of brain tissue, skull fragments, and blood that would splatter and spray upon 3 of the 4 dallas motorcycle cops who. Just after the two soundsthe limousine stopped for an instant, a large man in the right front seat picked up what looked to be a telephone, and then the car shot forward again. Why jfks limousine stayed in service for years after dallas. In it you can clearly see the driver shooting jfk and the passenger lean over to hold the wheel. Kennedy when he was assassinated continued to be used by the three next presidents and now sits in repose at the henry ford museum in dearborn, mich.

Here we see 100% proof that kennedy was shot by chauffeur bill greer of the secret service in other words he was working for j edgar hoover and lbj the vice president. Greer, the driver of jfk s limo, had fired the fatal head shot which caused the right rear of jfk s head to blow out an enormous amount of brain tissue, skull fragments, and blood that would splatter and spray upon 3 of the 4 dallas motorcycle cops who. Limo driver killed president kennedy the irumor mill. The driver did it theory started with a poorquality copy of the zapruder film in which the image was very unclear. It would have been easy to discharge a shot at kennedys limousine from here, then take just a few steps back and vanish. You where on the finder of the secret service car right behind president kennedys car, at the first shot you ran forward and jumped on the back of the president car, in less then two seconds, pulling mrs. As soon as by ones own propaganda even a glimpse of right on the other side is admitted, the cause for doubting ones own right is laid. The zapruder film, silent but in color, shows a motorcade led by two opentop limousines proceeding at a stately pace through a street lined with people. If you start watching at frame 225, you will see jfk grab for his neck. Nov 12, 2018 it would have been easy to discharge a shot at kennedys limousine from here, then take just a few steps back and vanish. Metacafe online video entertainment metacafe online video. Jfk secret service jackie kennedy assassination car shot. Kennedys itinerary called for him to arrive at dallas love field via a short flight from carswell air force base in fort worth.

Notice the motorcycles and followup car come to complete stops. Jfk limousine taxi service to manhattan, new jersey. Jun 28, 2017 the presidents limousine travels down elm street immediately after the first shot was fired. Secret service, best known as being the driver of president john f. The most prominent change was a permanent top fitted with bullet resistant windows around the sides and in the roof. Before killer bill greer shot jfk, he braked the limo to an almost complete stop. Wyoming native snapped photos of jfk assassination wyoming. First of all, i was 5 years old when the murder took place and even as a 5 year old, i told my mom, look, that driver shot the president. I have been studying both the administration and assassination of the 35th president, john f. In those frames you will see the driver, william greer look back twice before firing. Additional confirmations that jfk was shot by greer a retired arroyo grande police officer, darrell puckett, asked his firing range instructor if it was true that the limousine driver shot jfk. That exit wound is corroborated by 40 witnesses and my recent work showing that jfks rear skull gaped open at the moment of front right impact. By clicking on continue you confirm that you are 18 years and over. With enhanced video clarity and stabilization technology, the grainy, shaky film now reveals a figure clearly visible in a window on the buildings sixth floorthe.

Whether you are in new york for a business meeting or for a limo tour, we offer a fixed rate from all major airports in new york and the surrending area. They broke the video down to show the limo had slowed to less than 11 mph at the time of the shooting. Quite possibly the most famous and controversial automobile in modern history. The secret service killed jfk, william wild bill cooper, the ufo conspiracist, tax resister, and selfstyled militiaman based his 1991 claimed that jfk was assassinated by limousine driver william greer, on a special washed out version of the zapruder film an allegation easily refuted by simply looking at the original zfilm. William greer and jfk jfk assassination debate the. Nov 14, 2008 this video replaces the one that was censored, due to the complaint filed by proponents of the theory that bill greer, the driver of the limousine turned around and shot president kennedy.

Kennedys presidential limousine in the motorcade through dealey plaza in dallas on november 22, 1963, when the president was assassinated. After the head shot to jfk, you can see connelly look at the driver then duck down. The jfk assassination on november 22, 1963 president john f. Published on nov 14, 2008 this video replaces the one that was censored, due to the complaint filed by proponents of the theory that bill greer, the driver of the limousine turned around and shot. Secret service clint hills statements, interview with 60 minutes. Most news footage was taken on film and processed just like a photo film. Kennedy s presidential limousine in the motorcade through dealey plaza in dallas on november 22, 1963, when the president was assassinated. Kennedy, mortal shooting of the 35th president of the united states in dallas, texas, on november 22, 1963. His accused killer was lee harvey oswald, who was himself murdered before he could stand trial, and the death of kennedy has long been the subject of speculation and conspiracy theories. In it, you can see greer braking upon the first shot, giving time for the shooter to aim the head shot that would kill kennedy. Video found on youtube shows what appears to be the driver of president kennedys limo as the trigger man.

This was about 45 years before the jfk movie with costner came out. The limousine is the car in which kennedy and first lady jacqueline kennedy were passengers when the president was assassinated in dallas, texas on november 22, 1963. Central standard time in dallas, texas, while riding in a presidential motorcade through dealey plaza. The tragedy inflicted by the assassination of jfkas president of the united states, as an individual, as a husband, and as a devoted father of twois far outweighed by the impact this seminal event inflicted upon the executive branch of the federal. Proponents of this theory claim to show he reaches back with his right hand and simply shoots jfk in the head. This video replaces the one that was censored, due to the complaint filed by proponents of the theory that bill greer, the driver of the limousine turned around and shot president kennedy.